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My thermostat says system is on but the floor is not heating up?

If the thermostat is indicating that the system is on but the floor is not heating up, the underfloor heating will need to be tested.

An electrician will be required to carry out some fault finding tests.

Using a multi meter a  resistance test  should be carried on the heating element, if the resistance readings are incorrect please contact Warmup support for further assistance.

If the resistance readings are fine, you may have to replace your thermostat. Over time, the relay in the thermostat may no longer function after so many years of use. The electrician can confirm this by testing if the thermostat is sending 230V on the load side when set to be on.

All thermostats carry a three year warranty, if the unit is still within the warranty period contact Warmup support.

If the thermostat is outside of the three year warranty, please contact your local retailer to order a new thermostat.